Leon Bouchet

Leon Boucher was born in Green Springs, Ohio on January 21, 1921. Upon graduation from Old Port High School in Green Springs, Ohio, Dr. Boucher received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1942, a Master of Science Degree in 1954 and his Ph.D. in 1964 from The Ohio State University. Upon receiving his Bachelor’s degree, Dr. Boucher became a teacher at Montpelier High School. Dr. Boucher taught vocational agriculture for 17 years in the public schools of Ohio. He served on the Evaluation Teams of Public Secondary Collegiate Education, particularly in the field of vocational education. Dr. Boucher taught Continuing Education classes in schools of Ohio serving Young and Adult Farmers for 17 years.He also served in the United States Navy and graduated from the Great Lakes Training Center as the honor man of his company. While serving in the Pacific Area on the Navy destroyer USS McNair, he was awarded five battle stars and five area ribbons. Dr. Boucher began his association with Department of Agricultural Education at The Ohio State University in 1950 as a teacher educator. His responsibilities included preparation of vocational agriculture teachers and Cooperative Extensive agents. Dr. Boucher gave leadership to the recruitment process and the undergraduate course of study or curriculum. He received considerable recognition as a teacher educator, including being presented the Teaching Award of Merit in the College of Agriculture in 1969.
Dr. Boucher served as the editor of the Ohio Agricultural Education News and has contributed over 40 professional articles in the field of Agricultural Education. He has served as President of Ohio Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association and is a member of the Agricultural Honor Society, Gamma Sigma Delta; and Phi Delta Kappa, Educational Honor Society. Dr. Boucher was awarded a life membership in the American Legion, selected for the Distinguished Service Award in Vocational Education in Ohio and received the Honorary American Farmer Degree. He is listed in “Leaders and Educators in the United States,” (1971) and “Who’s Who in the Midwest” (1972).
Dr. Boucher served on the Agency for International Development Team in India for two years. His responsibilities included the development of teacher training programs in areas of vocational education at the college level, as well as developing vocational programs in the primary and secondary schools in India. Elementary textbooks were rewritten as published in the areas of agriculture and food production for Orissa, India. He also served as the External Examiner at the University of Sierra Leone in West Africa.
He retired from The Ohio State University in 1984. He is active in local community, school, and church activities. Dr. Boucher currently resides with his wife in Hilliard, Ohio.